Shikhar Gupta

Software Engineer and UI/UX Designer at Upcomming SWD intern @NASDAQ (former SDE @Futurepedia)

I am Shikhar Gupta, a passionate Software Engineer with a strong background in full-stack development. Currently, I am pursuing an Integrated Master's degree in Information Technology at IIIT Gwalior, where I have achieved a CGPA of 7.02. My technical expertise spans a wide range of programming languages, including C/C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Java, as well as proficiency in tools and frameworks like React.js, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, GraphQL, and Docker.I have a proven track record in developing scalable and high-performance applications, with experience in serverless architecture, server-side caching, and SEO optimization using generative AI. My projects have demonstrated my ability to improve user engagement, optimize system performance, and enhance overall functionality.

*Note: Seeking for open source project collobrations and internships.


The Poisson Distribution: Your Key to Predicting the Unforeseeable

The blog post explores the Poisson distribution, a statistical distribution commonly used in various fields, including astronomy, to model random events. It explains the properties of the distribution, its real-world applications, and provides a step-by-step guide on how to visualize the Poisson distribution using Python. The post also discusses the issue of Poisson noise in astronomical observations and presents a practical example of how to calculate and deal with it using Python.

Life Events


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    Software Engineering Intern at Futurepedia

    Architected and deployed a highly scalable client-side application using Next.js on Vercel and Sanity as CMS, supporting a user base of 180k; achieved a 19% reduction in operational costs.


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    Software Engineering Intern at Crudcook Labs

    Enhanced website performance by 15% and increased page load speed by 30% by leading responsive site development using React.js, Next.js, and Redux.

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    UI/UX Lead at GDSC Club, IIITM Gwalior

    Led UI/UX initiatives and organized events to promote user-centered design principles.

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    Backend Development Organizer at AASF Club, IIITM Gwalior

    Organized backend development workshops and hackathons to encourage practical learning and innovation.


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    Achieved Leetcode Rating of 1806

    Reached a Leetcode rating of 1806 and a best rank of 171, demonstrating my proficiency in competitive programming.